Courage • Compassion • Balance • Release
Virgo season? She came and went as if I didn’t know her.
During Gemini season I started a monthly ritual: I've been sharing channeled guidance and gem prescriptions with you, the MM community. Things were moving along well until I performed the reading for September. Something was off. Because I didn’t understand the meaning immediately, I figured I must have been hearing it wrong. I tried three different times. Pulled cards from different decks but the divination was always the same. I hesitated on sharing and as a result, you never received the guidance. I held those messages inside.
Looking back, it seems fitting that I experienced self sabotage in September. My moon and three other placements are in Virgo (the perfectionist of the zodiac).
Now that we are well into Libra season, time has illuminated a revelation. My subconscious mind was attempting to control the outcome. I wanted the direction to be shiny, positive, and perfect. We all know that isn't real life. When I look back at three(!) pages of channeled notes, the messages sent to us are clear):
- Protect your heart, mind and energy from jealousy within. There is no need to compare yourself to anyone else. You are one of one.
- You deserve the same compassion you give to others. Where can you be kinder to yourself?
- Carve out downtime to recharge; clarity of your purpose comes with rest.
- Recognizing and releasing toxic patterns allows space for transformation.
When you reflect on last month and/or Virgo season, did you encounter similar themes?